WordPress – migliori plugin

Un’elenco di plugin utili allo costruzione di un sito web in WordPress.

  • Advanced Access Manager: Powerfully robust WordPress plugin designed to help you control every aspect of your website, your way. | AAM |
  • Advanced Editor Tools: Estende e migliora l’editor a blocchi (Gutenberg) e l’editor classico (TinyMCE). | Automattic |
  • Akismet Anti-spam: Spam Protection: Usato da milioni di persone, Akismet è probabilmente il miglior modo al mondo per proteggere il tuo blog dallo spam. Il tuo sito è configurato e protetto completamente, anche mentre dormi. | Automattic|
  • All In One WP Security: All round best WordPress security plugin! | TeamUpdraft, DavidAnderson |
  • Backup Migration: Plugin di backup e migrazione per WordPress più sofisticati  | Di: Inisev |

  • Backup Scheduler: With this plugin, you may plan the backup of your entire website (folders, files and/or database).You can choose: which folders you want to save; the frequency of the backup process; whether your database should be saved; whether the backup is stored on the local website, sent by email or stored on a distant FTP (support of multipart zip files) | Di: SedLex |

  • Change Username : Allows you to change the username of your WordPress users.  | Di: ibericode

  • Classic Editor: Abilita il Classic Editor e il layout di stile precedente della schermata di modifica TinyMCE con i Meta Box, ecc. Supporta i vecchi plugin che estendono le funzionalità di questa schermata. | Contributori WordPress |

  • Classic Widgets: Abilita le schermate dell’editor classico per le impostazioni dei widget in Aspetto – Widget e Personalizza. Disabilita l’editor a blocchi per la gestione dei widget.| WordPress Contributors |
  • Contact Form 7: Solo un altro plugin per moduli di contatto. Semplice ma flessibile. | Takayuki Miyoshi |
  • Cookie Notice & Compliance for GDPR / CCPA: Cookie Notice ti consente di informare elegantemente gli utenti che il tuo sito utilizza i cookie e ti aiuta a rispettare GDPR, CCPA e le altre normative sulla riservatezza dei dati. | Hu-manity.co |
  • Custom Login Page Customizer: Custom Login Customizer plugin allows you to easily customize your login page straight from your WordPress Customizer | Di: Hardeep Asrani |

  • Easy Appointments: Sistema di gestione semplice e facile da usare per appuntamenti e prenotazioni | Di: Nikola Loncar |

  • Email Templates: Beautify WordPress default emails | wpexpertsio |
  • Enable Media Replace. Abilita la sostituzione dei file multimediali caricando un nuovo file nella sezione “Modifica media” della Libreria media di WordPress. | ShortPixel |
  • EventPrime – Modern Events Calendar, Bookings and Tickets: Beginner-friendly Events Calendar plugin to create free as well as paid Events. Includes Event Types, Event Sites & Performers too. | Di: EventPrime Event Calendar |

  • Fast Secure Contact Form: Fast Secure Contact Form for WordPress. An easy and powerful form builder that lets your visitors send you email. Blocks all automated spammers. No templates to mess with.  | Di: fastsecure |

  • Force Regenerate Thumbnails: Delete and REALLY force the regeneration of thumbnails. | Di: Exactly WWW |

  • Import Export WordPress Users and WooCommerce Customers : Export and Import User/Customers details From and To your WordPress/WooCommerce.  | Di: WebToffee |

  • Imsanity. Imsanity stops insanely huge image uploads | Exactly WWW |
  • Italy Cookie Choices (for EU Cookie Law & Cookie Notice): Italy Cookie Choices ti consente ti rispettare facilmente la legge europea sui cookie e bloccare i cookie di terze parti nella tua pagina. | Di: Enea Overclokk, Andrea Pernici, Andrea Cardinale |

  • Login Logout Menu:  Login Logout Menu is a handy plugin which allows you to add login, logout, register and profile menu items in your selected menu. |  WPBrigade |
  • LoginPress: LoginPress is the best wp-login Login Page Customizer plugin by WPBrigade which allows you to completely change the layout of login, register and forgot password forms. | LoginPress |
  • LoginWP (Formerly Peter’s Login Redirect): Redirect users to different URLs based on their role, capability and more. | Di: LoginWP Team |

  • Mime Types Plus: Add the mime type that can be used in the media library to each file type.| Katsushi Kawamori |
  • Nifty Coming Soon & Maintenance Page: Easy to set up Coming Soon, Maintenance and Under Construction page. It features Responsive design, Countdown timer, Animations, Live Preview, Background Slider, Subscription form and more. | WP Hait |
  • Post Duplicator: Permette di duplicare tutti i post type, incluse tassonomie e campi personalizzati | Metaphor Creations |
  • Regenerate Thumbnails Advanced: Regenerate thumbnails quickly and easyly, including forced regeneration; very useful when changing a theme or adding new thumbnail sizes. | ShortPixel |
  • Shortcodes Ultimate: A comprehensive collection of visual components for WordPress | Vova Anokhin |
  • UpdraftPlus – Backup/Ripristino: Fai il backup e il ripristino: tieni i backup in locale, o salvali su Amazon S3, Dropbox, Google Drive, Rackspace, (S)FTP, WebDAV e email, con programmazioni automatiche. | TeamUpdraft, DavidAnderson |
  • User Role Editor: Modifica/aggiungi/elimina i ruoli e le capacità degli utenti di WordPress. | Di: Vladimir Garagulya |

  • WP Cloudy: WP Cloudy is a powerful weather plugin for WordPress, based on Open Weather Map API, using Custom Post Types and shortcodes, bundled with a ton of features. | Di: Benjamin DENIS |

  • WP File Manager: Manage your WP files. | mndpsingh287 |
  • WP Statistics:  Get website traffic insights with GDPR/CCPA compliant, privacy-friendly analytics. Includes visitor data, stunning graphs, and no data sharing. |  VeronaLabs |
  • Yoast SEO: La prima vera soluzione SEO tutto-in-uno per WordPress, compresa l’analisi dei contenuti su ogni pagina, sitemap XML e molto altro. | Team Yoast |


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